Our Books

We offer science fiction and fantasy books in the following sub-genres: dark fantasy, teslapunk, epic fantasy, steampunk, sword & sorcery fantasy, dystopian, urban fantasy, superheroes, and survival. Some of our books are epistolary–written as journal entries and/or letters. We offer titles for both teens and adults, and everything we write is an adventure.

The Science Fiction page includes our teslapunk, steampunk, superhero, and survival stories.

The Fantasy page includes our dark, urban, epic, and sword & sorcery titles.

The Young Adult page lists those titles which were written with teenage readers in mind, and all these books appear on the other two pages as well.

The Anthologies page highlights all the collections of short stories our authors’ work can be found in, including Clockwork Dragon sponsored anthologies.

IndieGuideCoverWe currently carry one nonfiction title: Lee and Jeffrey’s  Working the Table: An Indie Author’s Guide to Conventions. The duo’s approach to vendor booths is laid out for anyone to learn from.

This title is available in Kindle Unlimited.

Because books won’t sell themselves.

In these times when it’s easy to self-publish but hard to get
noticed, conventions offer a solid, feasible option for the
independent author to start on a path to financial sustainability.
But becoming a professional denizen of the dealer’s room has
its challenges. In Working the Table, two veteran indie authors
spill their secrets to help you not only survive, but thrive in
the book-event environment.